Primary paediatric patient form
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Date of filling: 13.02.2025 03:41:55 (appears automatically)

Child’s gender

Please read the following document:

Patient questionnaire (covid-19)

1. Have you and your child been in isolation or self-isolation for the last 14 days before visiting the clinic?

2. Were there any close contacts over the past 14 days with a person under the supervision due to COVID-19, who subsequently become ill?

3. Were there any close contacts over the past 14 days with a person who was diagnosed with a laboratory confirmed COVID-19?

4. Have you and your child visited a clinic or medical centre where patients are tested for COVID-19?

5. Have you and your child experienced one or more symptoms in the last 14 days?

6. Have you tested for COVID-19?

Result of the last testing

Child health questionnaire

2. Allergy (medications, food, others)?

How is it manifested?

3. Blood type:

rhesus factor:

4. Does your child have any chronic diseases listed below?

5. Is your child registered by a neurologist?

6. Does your child suffer from seizures, fainting, dizziness

7. Prolonged bleeding after cuts

8. Diabetes

9. Does your child take any medications

10. Did your child have a head injury

11. Hepatitis A (Botkin's disease)

Hepatitis B, C

12. AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases

13. Periodically occurring oral ulcers, herpes

14. Bruxism (night teeth gnashing)

15. Sinus maxillary disease

16. Has your child had any previous negative dental treatment experiences

Записаться на прием

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и запишет на прием в удобные для Вас
дату и время.